Cooperative program with Nakano (Japan)
Nakano is the worldwide leading prestigious company in drum making technology. ECO and Nakano have been cooperating since 2014. ECO has received great help from Nakano in practical manufacture, fault troubleshooting and producing high quality products, satisfying strict requirements on purity and durability for drums. Currently, two parties still cooperate to improve manufacture line and product quality.Hereunder are some photos of the said cooperative program with Nakano.
ECO Viet Nam Joint Stock Company
Add: Lot II.8.1, Khai Son Industrial Zone, Thanh Khuong Commune, Thuan Thanh District, Bac Ninh Province, Viet Nam (84-0222) 3798483 (84-0222) 3 798 484
Email: Website:
Tổng số truy cập: 1666552